Carefully Cultivated Growth

You ever plant a berry bush and despite your best efforts, it ends up looking scraggly and a little sad? But you know with a little love and a couple of years, it’ll be full of berries ready to harvest!

To me, creating a perennial edible garden perfectly captures the essence of sustainable progress. Just like that berry plant, which will yield a bountiful harvest year after year, nonprofits can cultivate a reliable monthly giving program for long-term success.

I've learned that it's crucial to strike a balance between cultivating annual crops, such as tomatoes, squash, and carrots, and nurturing perennial plants that provide a consistent supply of fruits and vegetables. The same principle applies when it comes to developing a robust monthly giving effort in your organization.

Instead of overwhelming yourselves with drastic changes or abandoning your loyal annual donors, consider adopting a gradual and strategic approach. Take it one step at a time, focusing on one key element every quarter that propels you forward in the monthly giving game. Here are a few options to consider:

🌱 GET THE WORD OUT: Make monthly giving more prominent by featuring it as an option on all physical and digital giving forms, ensuring that donors are aware of this sustainable giving opportunity.

🌱 GATHER STORIES: Harness the power of storytelling by gathering inspiring anecdotes and quotes from your current monthly donors. Share these compelling narratives lat a later stage to inspire others to join the monthly giving community.movement.

🌱 ASK: Launch a mini, digital monthly giving campaign during the summertime to engage your supporters in a fresh and interactive way.

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Finding Harmony in Chaos


Springtime Musings: Annual Reports and Fundraising Tips